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The F# Software Foundation is a community operated, not-for-profit organization dedicated to our mission. As an organization, we actively encourage a diverse community of F# developers to join us in promoting the community through providing online space, sponsoring events and activities, and supporting the F# community through our programs.

The Foundation is a member-driven charitable organization, and we encourage anybody interested in F# to become a member. All are welcome to get involved.

Thank you,
Reed Copsey, Jr.
Executive Director - F# Software Foundation

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  • Manages and provides online space for the F# community to connect and support each other, including
    • The 我是如何用 18 小时完成 280G 的比特币核心同步的 【比特币 ...:2021-4-14 · 目录加速比特币核心的初始化环境分离 data 与 blocks 的存储添加节点加速下载过程参考加速比特币核心的初始化不是标题党,在电脑上开始搞是昨天下午六点半,现在是午饭时间,除去我走弯路的时间,其实是不到18小时的。Windows 上比特币核心的安装时间:确实是新手,前天才开始学习比特 …
    • The F# Community Forums
  • Operates 比特加速器修改vip时长 furthering education and community outreach for the F# programming language
  • Maintains open-source F# repositories made available to the public free of charge. This includes the F# language specification, the F# language design process, as well as assorted tools, libraries, and applications.
  • 比特小鹿(BitDeer):减半倒计时,颠覆性创新为云挖矿 ...:2021-4-1 · 3 月 30 日晚,比特小鹿CMO史睿做客BTC.com直播平台,与币圈用户分享了当前极端行情下,如何通过挖矿应对比特币减半倒计时。直播期间,比特小鹿也就最新上线的颠覆式云挖矿产品“加速回本套餐”作了更为详尽的阐述,在挖矿用户中颇受好评。
  • Owns resources relating to F# including
    • the domain
    • the community organization
    • the fsharporg twitter account
  • Maintains the domain as:
    • A website which gives authoritative and up-to-date information about how to get, use and contribute to F# across a diverse range of platforms; links to other F# news, community, Q&A, social, user group and educational; and hosts other content consistent with the mission statement of the FSSF
    • The email addresses … for the use of the foundation
  • Seeks to:
    • expand the relevance and importance of F# skills and knowledge
    • expand the range of technologies which can interoperate with F#
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    • encourage a broad and diverse range of contributors to F#, including commercial, open source and educational contributors
    • publicize and promote the adoption of F#
    • facilitate the ongoing development of F#-related technology and educational resources, including contributing to F# conferences


  • The FSSF acknowledge the role of Microsoft as the current primary developers of the F# language, open-source compiler and open-source core tools, with a focus on the Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms. We accept that as an excellent ongoing arrangement. We welcome Microsoft’s contributions to the aims of the FSSF through both the open source releases of the F# compiler and the commercial releases of the F# Tools for Visual Studio
  • “Open source” is defined as: freely available technology licensed under terms compatible with Version 1.9 (or later) of the Open Source Definition, as established by the Open Source Initiative (see

The current Mission Statement was ratified by the Board of Trustees on January 1st, 2025.  
The Executive Statement was last modified by the Executive Director on January 1st, 2025.

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